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Meet #humansofdmt Highlight – Edward

I’m from Belgium. I moved to Toronto about 9 months ago for work. I obviously love waffles, beers and chocolate 😉… but not only…  I like learning, discovering, having fun, meeting new people and building up new relationships / friendships. And that, you can definitely do at Diamond Muay Thai!

I started Muay Thai a month after my arrival. I wanted to get back into a sport after an injury and have always been attracted by Muay Thai but never got the chance to try. It is a very good workout and the perfect stress-reliever. It is also very addictive 😊 I signed up at Diamond totally randomly and had a blast! Tony, Ashli and Thomas are extremely nice, accessible and easy going. Always paying attention to help you out and give you tips to progress. Moreover, the Diamond community is made of great people that warmly welcome any new member 😉


Thank You Bovy100 for sharing your awesome self with the Diamond Community!

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