Weekend Highlight – Tiffany Cass – Competition
Celebrating a Beauty of a 💎 and her journey back into the Ring on Saturday.
Tiffany Cass put on an exceptionally tuned performance heading against a strong competitor. Tiffany breaking through the rust of a 2 year lay off – shining in every way – technically and with great tenacity. Diamond community is so damn proud of her performance and the dedication she showed through her entire camp. We are excited to see where the rest of the year takes @zenandgiggles … YOU WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS.
And gracious THANKS to all the Diamond Team who came out and showed their energy last night..
It wouldn’t have been the same without you. We are grateful for the community that shows up daily, banding energy together and supporting each other in pushing limits with in #life and #sport. #thisismuaythai