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Happy New Year From Team Diamond

Welcome to 2019, Team. Lets take in the new year acting and feeling and performing in accordance with what we imagine to be true about ourselves and our environment…For imagination sets the goal ‘picture’ which our automatic mechanism works on. We act, or fail to act, not because of ‘will,’ as is so commonly believed, but because of imagination… Let’s set those imagination meters on high and make this new year the best yet.



Wednesday Hustle

12:15-Muay Thai

5:15-Muay Thai

6:15-Muay Thai

7:30-Advanced Muay Thai +Sparring .



Friends + Feeds to Inspire

@muaythaiontario @mmalifestyle101 @backforwardkick @infightstyle @thebloodyballet @kombatarts @calgaryelite @flytclubto @miltonmuaythai @riverside_bia @blueheartsbmt

Weekend Highlight – Tiffany Cass – Competition

Celebrating a Beauty of a ? and her journey back into the Ring on Saturday.

Tiffany Cass put on an exceptionally tuned performance heading against a strong competitor. Tiffany breaking through the rust of a 2 year lay off – shining in every way – technically and with great tenacity. Diamond community is so damn proud of her performance and the dedication she showed through her entire camp. We are excited to see where the rest of the year takes @zenandgiggles … YOU WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS.

And gracious THANKS to all the Diamond Team who came out and showed their energy last night..

It wouldn’t have been the same without you. We are grateful for the community that shows up daily, banding energy together and supporting each other in pushing limits with in #life and #sport. #thisismuaythai

Competition Event – Saturday 24th/2018 – Be There to Support!

“If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it–then I can achieve it.” – Muhammad Ali

Tiffany Cass has poured in an insane amount of heart and dedication into this training camp. All the sacrifices and relentless work ethic will pay off this Saturday.


Come out support Tiff as she competes at #siamno1toronto this Sat, Mar 24th.


Contact Diamond Muay Thai for ticket details.

#Diamondmuaythaitoronto #diamondmvmt #muaythai #femaleathlete #competition #trainhardfighteasy #community #boxing #torontoathlete

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