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Why should children do a Martial Art?

Here are the 10  reasons why helping kids become active through Martial Arts again is worth the disruption to our adult lives:



  • Greater rates of activity in children have been associated with higher test scores in reading and math.


  • Physical (body) and cognitive (brain) development go hand-in-hand.


  • Play-based activity that requires a high degree of sensory input (sight, sound, touch, etc.) helps develop a broad array of skills that make physical activity more enjoyable later in life.


  • Frequent physical activity has been associated with improved behavior in the classroom and beyond.


  • It appears that active children are more likely to become active adults.


  • Aerobic activity through Martial Arts has been shown to increase the size of essential brain structures and a number of neural connections.


  • Frequent movements of Martial Arts requiring a high degree of balance and coordination have been associated with an improved emotional response.


  • Frequent exercise and movement decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety in children.


  • Regular practice of Martial Arts with children promotes self-efficacy with regard to health, self-image, and self-confidence.


  • Children who are active 60 minutes per day demonstrate lower rates of obesity.


To get your child moving with Diamond Muay Thai Toronto – contact us Today!

Email: info@diamondmuaythai.ca


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