Wrapping Your Hands for Muay Thai and Boxing

hand wrap muay thai boxingIf you’re serious about Muay Thai or boxing, you know that the key to protecting your hands is good handwraps.

Without proper hand wraps, all the punches, kicks, and jabs can put a lot of strain on your wrists, fingers and knuckles.

This can lead to long-term injuries if not properly taken care of. But don’t worry – wrapping your hands doesn’t have to be difficult!

With a few simple steps and some practice, you can learn how to wrap your hands like a pro in no time.

Step One: Measure Your Hand Wraps
To get started, measure out two lengths of wrap that are equal to four times the length of your arm from shoulder to wrist. Make sure that both pieces are exactly the same length so that they fit evenly when wrapped around your wrists. The average size for an adult is 180-190 cm (72-76 inches). Cut off any excess material at the end and set aside until needed later on.

Step Two: Wrap Your Wrist
Once you have measured out your hand wraps, begin by wrapping one around your wrist. Start at the base of the thumb and make sure that each successive wrap is tight but not too tight – it should feel snug but comfortable against your skin at all times. Continue wrapping up towards the base of the palm until you reach the desired level of support – usually 1-2 inches below the knuckles. Secure with a single knot or double knot depending on preference but make sure it’s secure enough so it doesn’t come undone during training sessions!

Step Three: Wrap Your Knuckles
The next step is to wrap each knuckle individually starting with the index finger and working down towards your little finger. Start by crossing over one side of the wrap around each knuckle then pull tight before continuing onto its partner knuckle. Make sure you keep both wraps even in width so they provide an equal amount of support for each knuckle as you work through them one by one until all five are securely wrapped! Once complete re-secure at either side with another single knot or double knot depending on preference again making sure it’s secure enough so it doesn’t come undone during training sessions!

Wrapping your hands for Muay Thai or boxing may seem intimidating at first, but with just a bit of practice it can become second nature!

By following these steps above, you’ll be well on your way to protecting yourself from injury while also improving comfort during those intense training sessions!

With just a few simple steps and some practice – you’ll learn how to wrap your hands like a pro in no time!

So get wrapping now and enjoy those long Muay Thai or boxing training sessions without worrying about injuring yourself due to lack of protection in those precious fists!

Hand Wrapping Resource Links:

YOUTUBE – How to Wrap Your Hands for Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai

YOUTUBE – MUAY THAI: How To Wrap Your Hands

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Beginner Muay Thai + Boxing