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New Year … New You?

It’s the end of the year. You’ve finally eaten what’s left of the Christmas turkey, the candy has been demolished and you’ve had your full fix of Christmas films. Your attention has now turned to the year ahead and the pledges many of us take to become better people over the next 12 months.

Studies across the globe have shown that the most common NYE resolutions are:

  • Lose weight
  • Get fit
  • Take up a new hobby/learn a new skill

Sadly, about 80% of people fail to stick to their resolutions and often citing the main reasons why as a lack of confidence, education/information and support.

If this is sounding all too familiar, let’s have a chat!

Whilst Diamond Muay Thai is a gym, we prefer to call ourselves a community. We believe that Muay Thai is for absolutely everyone regardless of age, weight, level of fitness, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Our goal is to help each and every person who comes through our doors to become the best possible version of themselves and that includes you! All we will ever ask of our members is to come with a willingness to learn and support each other.

So, if you want to start this next decade with a commitment to yourself to be fitter, happier and healthier give us a call on 416.546.5551 or https://diamondmuaythai.ca/contact-diamond-muay-thai-388-carlaw-ave/

We can’t wait to support you on this next chapter!

The Diamond Muay Thai Team

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